Enrolling in Medicare can be intimidating but, armed with the answers to common questions, it can be easy.
When to enroll
Some circumstances result in people being enrolled automatically, such as when you’re receiving Social Security retirement benefits. Everyone else will need to pay close attention to the rules as they approach age 65 or continue to work beyond 65, which is when all Americans must enroll in Medicare.
If you enrolled in Social Security prior to turning 65, you could automatically be enrolled in Medicare parts A and B. However, if you continue to work and are covered by health insurance, you can waive part B. With so many moving parts, this can be a difficult world to navigate. UROne Benefits can help you through the process.
If you decide to sign up after your eligibility date, you may be subject to a late enrollment penalty.
Your premium could be up to 10% higher for each 12-month period that you were eligible and declined. The penalty may last for the entire duration that you are covered under Medicare.
Keep in mind that delaying enrollment will not cause you to be charged a late enrollment penalty.
Initial Enrollment Period
Those who aren’t automatically enrolled in Medicare will have to be manually enrolled. This happens during the Initial Enrollment Period (IEP). This period is seven months long. It begins three months before you turn 65 and extends three months after your birthday month.
Special enrollment period
You can use the special enrollment period to enroll in Medicare Part B while still in your group plan, or if your employment or coverage ends. You have eight months from that month in which your coverage ends to sign up for Part B.
General Enrollment Period
The General Enrollment Period (GEP) is between Jan. 1 and March 1. Coverage begins the month after you sign up.
There’s a lot to know when enrolling in Medicare coverage for the first time. UROne Benefits® can help you navigate the process to your advantage. We provide advice and guidance for free, and in plain language that’s easy to understand.
Just as importantly, we are not biased toward one plan or another. Our goal is to provide the best solutions for your personal needs. Contact us here or at 800-722-7331.
This post was originally published in April 2017; updated May 2024.